Baked Eggs for Breakfast makes a Happy Julie

It's long been ingrained in my head that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My morning cubicle routine involves a bowl of oatmeal with raisins and black coffee served in my cheesy mug that reads, "30 and still losing my grip". Ha. Terrible, isn't it?
I was craving eggs this morning but the extra snooze cost me the time. That cold weather is making it harder and harder to get out of bed. Not to fret though… when food is involved I can be quite determined. So I packed up two eggs and a ramekin to go. We have a little toaster oven in our ghetto makeshift kitchen at work. Conveniently enough, I sit right next to it and joke that I'm the kitchen manager. I've caught many pieces of toast on the cusp of burning and take extra care to keep an eye on mysterious Styrofoam containers of "food". Oh and if you take the last cup of coffee and leave the burner on, prepare to feel the wrath. I digress. Back to my delicous, start your day right breakfast. I cracked my eggs into my buttered ramekin, added salt and baked it for about 15 minutes at 325 degrees. I like my yolks to still be runny. I toasted up a slice of chile sourdough bread for dipping. Such a satisfying meal to start the day. I might have the ditch that bowl of oatmeal more often.

I love surprising moments of food happiness! Happy Hump day.


  • laughing in the rain

    16 Oct 2008 08:10 am

    hmmm…that sounds delish!!!

  • Tubbydammer

    17 Oct 2008 06:10 am

    I totally agree with you on the runny yolks. And dipping toast soldiers is absolutely divine :-)


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