Cubbon Park: A Stroll Through the Park

Now that I’m starting to navigate Bangalore by foot, I’m learning my way around my tiny 1 mile radius of a bubble. Not having access to the GPS on my iPhone encourages this. Lucky for me, there’s actually quite a bit to do and see within these confines. We’re near Mahatma Ghandi Road, UB city and Lavelle Road area which is considered the city center. Just to the West (or is it North?) of us is Cubbon Park, a 300+ acre park built in 1864. I had read about it in a few travel books and heard that it was a great place to go for a run from a co-worker. My crickety knees have long retired from running, but I could go for a stroll in the park anyday. You never know what you’ll stumble upon.

The library (shown above) was closed, but we did see somebody showering outside of it.  A great consolation prize if you ask me.

I was excited to see this signage for birds and was hoping to spot a few, but the most wildlife we saw were the stray dogs (aka the rats of India). I wish I could adopt them all.

The park had the liviest atmospere due to the music, crowds and all the street vendors peddaling their chaat, fruit and drinks.

In my next life I hope I come back as a botanist so I’d be able to identify the countless number of plant species in the park. So fascinating. I loved all the plants and trees. My favorite were the bamboo plants. They were MASSIVE!

There’s much more exploring to be done. Who knows maybe I’ll even step ouside my little bubble once I get brave enough and crossing the streets doesn’t feel like impending doom. :) Happy Monday to you all.

1 Comment

  • susan

    04 Oct 2010 06:10 pm

    hi julie! haha “rats of india”? looks like you’re having a great time. love the bamboo.


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