Seven Random Things About Julie

So I've been tagged by Food Rockz Man (an awesome foodie blogger) to share seven random facts about myself. Thanks FRM. This should be fun.

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share seven random and/or weird things about yourself.
Tag five people at the end of your post and include links to their

4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

I know I've kind of been kind of secretive, hiding behind a cloud of anonymity. You know what my feet look like, but other than that, my paranoid tendencies keep me a little guarded. Here's the perfect chance for me to let loose a little.

I'll start with something embarrassing…
1. I'm notorious for falling asleep. I get up at 5:30 am for work, so I've been known to pass out at bars, shows, etc. Don't even get me started on trying to watch movies.  I'm like a bird. Once the lights go out, so do I.

2. Related to #1… I'm a caffeine hound. Coffee, tea and the occasional sugar-free Redbull (usually with Ketel).

3. I'm a jock at heart and love football. I'm the only girl in my fantasy league, but got third place last year and second the year before. Eat your heart out boys!

4. When weather permits, I ride my bike to work… padded shorts, helmet and all. Pretty nerdy, but better safe than road spaghetti, right?

5. I'm anal as shit/OCD about my kitchen, but pretty good at hiding it. If all the chopsticks aren't facing the same way I'll throw a bitch fit.

6. I was on Blind Date (the terrible dating show) once. I needed the $100, but if I had realized that they were going to set me up with someone 30 years my senior named "The Snake" I would have passed. Trust me we didn't make it to the hot tub scene.

7.  I'm a dog person. English Bulldogs, French Bulldogs, Mastiffs, Bull Terriers and Chows are my top five breeds though I've never had a dog to call my own. :(

Enough about me. Now I want to learn more about Immaeatchu, Purplesque, Elly says Opa, Skinny Gourmet and  Reesie.


  • Purplesque

    26 Apr 2008 06:04 pm

    [this is good] I like # 4, 5 and 7. Women on bikes are cool, methinks.

    I only get anal about my kitchen when hubby goes on a rampage in there..:)

  • Food Rockz Man

    27 Apr 2008 10:04 am

    I wonder how widely-shared OCD is among food/cooking lovers?  I definitely fall into the OCD camp.  And the Blind Date thing, that’s just creepy . . . 30 years older and named “The Snake”????  That must have made for some pretty good viewing!  Did you tape it??????

  • reesie

    27 Apr 2008 07:04 pm

    Girls on bikes.. YES… I love to ride my bike, but I wear a skirt. Ha… Yeah, I don’t own shorts…

    If it’s ok, I’m just gonna post mine here. I don’t usually do these things on my blog, but since I love you I’ll do it!

    1. I like to mess with people and hate people who think they know what I’m going to do.
    2. People who get my sense of humour are seriously kindred spirits. Not everyone can laugh over flying monkeys going to grandma’s house.
    3. When I was in middle school I sewed my finger, sending a sewing machine needle straight through my right thumb. Surprisingly, it looks good as new today.
    4. I’m a pet person, and really love cats and dogs. Those square-headed dumb-looking dogs are my favourite.
    5. I never wear shorts, and don’t currently own a pair. Skirts, dresses, and pants only.
    6. My left leg is longer than my right and causes my hips and shoulders to also be slightly uneven as well.
    7. I never carry more than one lens with me for my SLRs. I don’t believe in it! If I can’t shoot it with what I have with me, it’s just not meant to be.

  • Mexid Cocktail

    27 Apr 2008 08:04 pm

    I KNEW there was more behind those tasty food pictures! Your foodie groups are having a cow, or is it veal?

  • Mexid Cocktail

    27 Apr 2008 08:04 pm

    …nice to see the person behind the pics.

  • Erin

    29 Apr 2008 05:04 am

    Interesting. I like the way the details start to fill out the portrait. I like bikes too, but not-so-secretly want a motorcycle. My husband doesnt want one, so I told him that I can drive and he can hang on to my waist. Its not really chicago-practical, but its divine.

    Thanks for the tap. I’ll probably give it a go sometime soon.

  • MoOgooGuypAN

    29 Apr 2008 11:04 am

    You were on Blind Date?  That’s so cool.  Too bad it didn’t work out but…blind dates rarely do from my experiences.  I can tell from your photos that your pretty ocd.  haha.


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